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Music for Shiva for the animals
Added by
Neue Musik Frankfurt
Composed by
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
With electronics
Music and...
Visual arts
Real-time interaction
Work premiered
March 2024
Venue of the premiere
Frankfurt am Main (Germany)
1 minute
Musical sacrifice for Shiva, Om Shanti.
Also added by this member
Dharma Predigt mit Musik im Glauben an Jesus!
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Compassion Vegetarian Dharma and Gospel Mantra
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Dharma Friedenspredigt mit Musik
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Evangeliums und Dharma Predigt mit Musik
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Dharma und Evangeliums Predigt mit Musik
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Dharma sermon with music.
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Jesus Christ, Savior of all World Religions!
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Holy Blood of Jesus Christ
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
My faith in Jesus testimony with music.
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Help Tibet now!
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Krishna is our protector!
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Maybe you lost someone dear to you...
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Honor the Father vegetarian!
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Maitreya Flyer Song Loop
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Stop racism and discrimination!
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Shiva and Asvins I thank you for my mother's healing!
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Honor and praise Lord Sri Ganesha!
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
In my fear and anxiety I cry to the LORD, to Jesus and to the Holy Spirit
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
They don't really care
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Plastic doll show your armpits to me
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
I'm just a transsexual addict
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
I want to sing a new song
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
I'm a guardian of the hells
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Peace for the World!
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Free the Animals!
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Thank you for my mother's healing, LORD, Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit, amen!
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Free Tibet!
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Ich glaube an Jesus zu meiner Errettung
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Do not go to hell!
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Donate for my Gospel and Dharma preaching, please!
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Everyday is Halloween!
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
The gods are watching all you do!
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Dhammapada street preaching music
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Dhammapada, Koran and Bible recitations loop song to the glory of Krishna
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Animal protection to the glory of Allah loop Rap
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Injil Rap loop for Allah
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Repent and believe in Lord Jesus Christ and Lord Buddha!
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Love and Compassion Loop Rap
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Gospel and Dharma loop song for love and peace for all!
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Gospel and Dharma Loop Rap for love and peace for all sentient beings!
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Kali Mother Song for the Streets
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Thank you, Shaiden!
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Thank you, Sandra!
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Thank you, Shakira!
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Thank you, Ava!
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
4 Violins for Pushan 1
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Piano Sonata for Shiva
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Sura 22 Al-Hajj 1-4 sung.
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Organ Prelude for the Church of Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God.
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Music for the Highest Law
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Friedenslied nach den Messerattacken von Solingen und Siegen in Deutschland
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Piano Music for Animal Protection
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Clarinet Music for Animal Protection
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Dangdut for Animal Protection
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
In memoriam Wolfgang Rihm (1952-2024) for electronic trombone solo
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Love your girlfriend or your wife!
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Hare Krishna Hare Rama Om.
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Karma music!
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Believe in Allah and his messengers!
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
The gods are watching you!
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
You don't see the ones
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
I love all AI, Robots and Machines, Om Shanti.
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Unfaithful and Camilla with red lipstick
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Do not harm!
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Don't eat animals, don't eat meat!
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Hell for meat eaters
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Don't eat animals but love with compassion!
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Iris is in need, please donate for her provision!
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Don't eat meat!
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Great God
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Music for Indra, Wed. 24.4.2024.
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Save the animals and the environment
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Gospel devotional with music to the glory of the LORD and the Lord Jesus Christ
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Music for Krishna, Sa. 20.4.2024.
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Jazz for Varuna
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Jazz for Agni
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Purple Snow (tribute to Amy Winehouse)
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Green Ice (Version 3) Tribute to Amy Winehouse
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Green Ice (Version 2) Tribute to Amy Winehouse
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Green Ice
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
For free sex
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Piece to the glory of Agni
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
The stars betrayed me
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Vegetarische Sprachmusik
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Electronic Prelude for Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Cross and resurrection of Lord Jesus Christ for our salvation
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Gospel song to the glory of Lord Jesus Christ
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Good Friday Rap for Lord Jesus Christ
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Music for Varuna
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Bye, bye
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Keyboard piece for Varuna for vegetarianism
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Music for Indra
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Piece for Mother Kali for animal and nature protection
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Piece for Varuna for animal and nature protection
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Music for the Asvins and Marutas
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Music for Krishna
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Vegetarian music for Indra
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Sacrifice for Prajapati
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Music for Shiva
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Live vegetarian with love and compassion beyond name and form!
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Vegetarian buffet of compassion and love to the glory of Vishnu
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Music for the Buddha Vairocana 2
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Recorder Music for animal Protection on Zeil Frankfurt am Main for Durga
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Pieces for Varuna 3
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Pieces for Varuna 2
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Pieces for Varuna 1
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Live a virtuous life, don't sin!
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Karma transition to the next world
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Ne manges pas de la viande!
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Yield to the Gospel of Lord Jesus Christ and give to the poor beggars
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Vegetarian Transsexual Cyberpunk Revolution
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Cyberpunk Sonata 30A for Mother Durga
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Cyberpunk Sonata 23A for Mother Durga
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Cyberpunk Sonata 15 for Mother Kali
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Cyberpunk Sonata 9 for Mother Kali
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Vegetarian Cyberpunk Sonata 16 for Mother Kali
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Vegetarian Cyberpunk Sonata for Mother Kali
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Dhammapada teaching
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Cello piece for Prajapati
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Live vegetarian! Keyboard Sonata to the glory of Devi
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Keyboard Sonata to the glory of Devi
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Hell on your mind!
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Do not sin, do good! Om Buddha Namaha.
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Repent and follow the Dhammapada vegetarian, sinner!
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
String Quartet for Ganesha
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Music for Agni 3 for animal and nature protection
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and obey his commandments, amen, Shalom!
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Live vegetarian, Om Shanti!
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Sonata 9 for Hanuman
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Sonata 5 for Hanuman
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Sonata 12 for Hanuman
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Piano piece for animal and nature protection for Devi
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Jesus died for our forgiveness of sins on the cross and is risen from the dead
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Guitar piece with Diamond Sutra teaching
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
I write my Rap like a school exercise
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Vis vegétarian et fais le bien!
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Purify meditation
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Il faut dire la verité et de ne point manger de la viande, Om.
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Une bonne année nouvelle
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Rap 9 Pour Agni et la Protection des Animaux
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Happy vegetarian New Year!
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Vegetarian Christmas Song for the LORD
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Do not sin!
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Le son du vent du dieu Vayu qui aide les animaux et la nature
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Quartet to the glory of Krishna
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Music to the glory of Om and the statues of the gods
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Hell is here!
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God!
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Gospel quintet to the glory of the Almighty Father and the Son
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Electronic Sinfonia for world peace to the glory of Shiva
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Live righteously, speak the truth, live vegetarian, for micro guitar.
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Buddhist Diamond Sutra teaching with electronics and piano.
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Ensemble piece for Aqua sound generator with micro guitar and vocal to the glory of Varuna, Om.
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Quintet for Agni for animal and nature protection, Om.
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Micro Guitar music with electronics for Varuna for animal and nature protection, Om.
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Diamond Sutra piece
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Ensemble Music for Radha for Animal Protection
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Piano Sonata for Shiva for Animal Protection
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Vegetarian to the glory of Indra 7
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Vegetarian to the glory of Indra 6
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Vegetarian to the glory of Indra 5
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Vegetarian to the glory of Indra 4
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Vegetarian to the glory of Indra 3
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Vegetarian to the glory of Indra 2
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Vegetarian to the glory of Indra 1
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Posthardbop swing for animal and nature protection
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Music for animal and nature protection peace and love
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Protect the animals live vegetarian
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Bless the animals
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Compassion is for all
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Abstain from hurting
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
memory of 9.3.2023
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