baritone saxophone, flute, marimba, piano, tuba
Venue of the premiere
Théâtre des Quatre Saisons, Gradignan (France)
For Proxima Centauri and Pascal Rousseau with electronics and video projection.
Scored to the ASURA Simulation of Galaxy Formation by Takayuki Saitoh and Takaaki Takeda.
This chamber work explores a new approach to the sonification of cosmological data applied to instrumental writing. The sonification process was developed using spatial coordinates to create hexachordal series and rotations as well as mapping visual textures and colour gradings to different sound textures. The piece offers an opportunity to engage with new imaginative ways of sonically mattering the universe.
Saxophone: Marie-Bernadette Charrier
Flute: Sylvain Millepied
Tuba: Pascal Rousseau
Marimba: Julien Pellegrini
Piano: Hilomi Sakaguchi
Octophonic sound: Christophe Havel