lab design

Added by
Composed by
Vadim D. Genin
cello, clarinet, flute, percussion, piano, violin
With electronics
Work premiered
June 2023
Venue of the premiere
Санкт-Петербургская государственная Академическая филармония им. Д.Д. Шостаковича, Санкт-Петербург (Russia)
8 minutes

In order to ensure personal safety, the safety of others, and the safety of devices and equipment, it is necessary to know well and strictly follow the safety rules and internal regulations.
If a device fails or a malfunction is detected, you should immediately stop working, disconnect the devices from the power sources and report this to your immediate supervisor.
The procedure for completing the practical part is as follows:

chamber ensemble
Contemporary Classical Music
Pierrot Ensemble (FI, CI, Vln, Vlc, piano)
Also added by this member