Consumed Variations

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Composed by
Deok-Vin Lee
cello, percussion, piano, recorder, viola, violin
With electronics
Music and...
Video, Theatre
Real-time interaction, Other
Work premiered
August 2021
30 minutes

This work reflects the current music consumption habits of society. I composed variations on existing variations by historical composers. In addition, I created an original advertisement of the piece itself and varied it as parts of variations form. The piece can be a challenge for both performers and perceivers as each variation demonstrates a specific action that requires a certain extreme effort from the performers, and coressponding results are barely perceptible for the audience. The piece portrays the irony emerging from such gap between the extrme effort and "not monetizable" music.

Jenseits der Leere, wieder (빈곳의 바깥에서, 다시), Seoul 2021
project ensemble morph

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Deok-Vin Lee
Deok-Vin Lee