Narrazioni Parallele is a three-year project promoted by the City of Turin and funded by the “Torino, che cultura!” initiative.
It was created to meet the artistic need to experiment and foster dialogue between emerging young talents in the contemporary compositional scene and choral and instrumental institutions of traditional classical music, enriched with electronic music and various other genres.
The invitation to experiment is extended through two biennial Calls for Composers promoted by Lucas, Filarmonica Teatro Regio Torino and Accademia Corale Stefano Tempia.
This first call, presented here, will conclude in early 2025 and focuses on the theme of dialogue: participants are asked to interpret what constitutes the parallel narratives of our contemporary era, to explore the dialogue underlying compositions conceived
in the current socio-historical context, and to express the diverse voices of modernity—parallel narratives that may interact and connect within the compositional framework of their works.
Selected composers will participate in a mentoring program led by a team of composers and musicians chaired by Davide “Boosta” Dileo. This program will enable participants to develop their compositions from a multidisciplinary perspective, in a workshop format akin to an artistic residency. This process will encompass instrumental interpretation, technical analysis of musical writing, coaching, and tutoring. The composers will undergo a comprehensive creative journey culminating in the public presentation of their works.
The program encourages intergenerational exchange and concrete dialogue between composers and multidisciplinary professionals. The inspiring ideas behind the compositions, interpreting the theme of dialogue between parallel narratives in an original and creative way, may also be presented in video format on stage, alongside their performance. Through interviews conducted by a team from Associazione Lucas in collaboration with the Politecnic of Turin – Cinema and Media Engineering, the artistic message will be translated into visual media with the support of generative artificial intelligence.