After graduating from ESAAA - Ecole Supérieure d'Art Annecy Alpes - in 2019, Lana Steiler traveled for two years in a van that she converted herself, intending to create site-specific installations between Spain and Portugal. She completed this itinerant residency at Ponte d’Arte, where she’s been confined. There, she created two art pieces, one in reference to the architectural history of the site and the other in reference to the global health situation. After the residency, she returned to the world of her initial training, music. After working with various musicians and producers, she became a conductor specializing in traditional polyphonic singing from around the world and a teacher of vocal anatomy. Today, Lana resumes her itinerant approach to find a new symbiosis between musicality and contextual art, between soundscapes and social experience.
A landscaper, gardener, voice artist, and visual artist in one, Lana is a multidisciplinary artist who never tires of fusing mediums and life experiences to create new forms.
As a precocious traveler, her work is rooted in itinerancy and constant discovery. Her practice of displacement gives rise to sound performances and ephemeral installations, tools and objects, as well as films and stories. These gestures and instituted actions are cataloged in various forms. Indeed, the media used are, for the most part, inherent to the context in which the artist finds herself. Rather than finished forms, she proposes situations. Her working protocol is simple: decontextualizing from the Here to readapt elsewhere. She tries; she “does as”; she puts herself in danger as if it were urgent to meet. The encounter is more a trigger for the work than a pretext.
“I have a duty to record each atmosphere, each place, each encounter, in a sensitive way because I feel it is essential to pay tribute to the life it contains.” Lana.S