Diane Schuh is a composer, researcher and landscape architect. She holds a PhD in Music specialising in Composition and Computer Music (Université Paris 8) and a Diplôme d'Etat (D.P.L.G.) in Landscape Architecture (ENSP Versailles). She studied violin at the Conservatoire and composition with José-Manuel López López. In this context, she has composed mixed music pieces for 2e2m, Ensemble Cairn and Ensemble Sinkro.
In October 2021 she started a doctorate (PhD) under an EDESTA contract, as part of the CICM (Centre de recherche en Informatique et Création Musicale) team in the Musidanse laboratory, under the direction of Anne Sèdes and the co-direction of Alain Bonardi. Entitled ‘Symbioses, milieux, jardins en mouvement: ce que le jardinier fait à la musique’ (Symbioses, environments, gardens in motion: what the gardener does to music), this thesis studies the transfer of models and methods from the garden to composition. In particular, her research explores the pedagogical and operational potential of the symbiosis model in the development of compositional and listening devices that encourage attention to the living.
In 2023 she won the EUR ArTec call for research projects for her Mycelium Garden project and the MSH Paris Nord call for projects for her LICHENS project. She also teaches electroacoustic composition at Paris 8 University.