Internation Competition of Symphonic Composition

Wed Jan 1 to Tue Jul 15
Fondazione Politeama Pratese, Prato (Italy)
subscription fee: 100€
The Camerata Strumentale di Prato and the Florence Philharmonic Orchestra - la Filharmonie are announcing the 3nd edition of the international competition for symphonic composition Dante 700 – “La dolce sinfonia di paradiso”. The submitted scores shall draw Canto XXXIII of Paradise (Divine Comedy) with specific reference to verses 1-39, St. Bernard’s Prayer to the Virgin Mary; 115-132, the image of the Three Circles symbolizing the mystery of the Trinity and the Incarnation; 145, the celebrated line, «the Love that moves the sun and the other stars»inspiration from

The competition is open to composers of any nationality, with no age limit, who are required to compose a symphonic piece (optionally with solo voice and/or live electronics) of maximum 15 minutes duration. A prestigious international jury composed will oversee the entire process.