Are you studying composition in the Netherlands? Would you like your music to be performed during the Grachtenfestival, Gaudeamus and November Music? Send us your sketch for a new piece for oud player Jawa Manla!
About Jawa Manla
Jawa Manla is a Syrian oud player from Damascus, renowned for her emotionally charged and technically proficient performances. In her childhood, inspired by her father’s daily oud playing, she discovered solace and a means of self-expression in the instrument. This familial bond ignited a profound passion for the oud, an instrument she describes as a gateway to boundless freedom.
Manla studied under the esteemed Iraqi oud player Naseer Shamma, and with Turkish oud player Nacati Celik, in Istanbul. She has played in various bands and ensembles, including the Netherlands Blazers Ensemble, Caravan, Qasyoun, and Fuse. In 2023, she released her debut album Distant Roots to critical acclaim.
Open call
We invite you to write a sketch (max. 1 min.) for a new piece for oud. Jawa uses an old Arabic tuning for her oud: from low to high C – F – A – D – G – C. She plays all styles, but mainly Arabic, Turkish and Greek music. Including voice is also a possibility. We’d like to receive a score (PDF) and a midi-file (MP3).
On the basis of the submitted sketches, 6 composers will be invited for a Reading Session with Jawa Manla to further explore ideas and possibilities. After the Reading Session 3 composers will be selected that can work out their sketch to a piece of maximum 10 minutes. The final pieces will be premiered during Grachtenfestival and subsequently performed at Gaudeamus Festival and November Music.
For more information about the instrument, characteristics and specifications, please don’t hesitate to get in touch via jawamm96 [at] gmail [dot] com.
28 februari - Deadline first sketch
10 maart - Selection 6 componisten
tbc maart - Reading session in Muziekhuis Utrecht
tbc maart - Definitive selection 3 composers
11 mei - Deadline final score
15-24 August - Grachtenfestival
10-14 September - Gaudeamus Festival
7-16 November - November Music
Details are available at web pages: