Composition Competition


Submission period

Tue Jan 23 at 05AM UTC

End of submission period

Sun Jun 2 at 05:59AM UTC

Results date

Mon Jul 1 at 04PM UTC

Entry or Course Fee

Entry fee $15 per score

The Flute New Music Consortium is a member-driven organization with the shared mission of promoting new music for the flute by commissioning new works, amplifying recent works, and encouraging repeat performances of FNMC-sponsored works. We are dedicated to developing new ties between flutists and composers. Semi-finalists are selected by blind-round judges who are nationally recognized performers and composers; winners are heard and selected by FNMC member vote.

Winning composers receive a cash prize and their work is shared with FNMC’s 50+ flutist membership, to promote performances of those works. FNMC is proud of the performances and commissions it has had the honor to organize - but even more proud of the collaborations that have evolved between its members and its composers.

Composition categories

Solo Flute: Submission deadline: June 1, 2024. 11:59 p.m. CST
-Works in this category must feature flute alone.
-Instruments in the flute family (piccolo, alto flute, bass flute, etc.) will be accepted.
-Works for flute and electronics are not appropriate for this category.

Flute and Piano or Electronics: Submission deadline: June 1, 2024. 11:59 p.m. CST

-Works in this category must feature the flute and piano or electronics. Additional performers are not appropriate for this category.
-Instruments in the flute family (piccolo, alto flute, bass flute, etc.) will be accepted.

Flute Plus One: Submission deadline: June 1, 11:59 p.m. CST

-Works in this category should use the flute in some capacity.
-This work should utilize no more than two performers. The second performer should be one other acoustic instrument/voice; flute and piano or flute and electronics works are not appropriate for this category.
-Doublings using instruments in the flute family (piccolo, alto, and bass flutes) will be accepted.


-Entries must use the flute in some capacity. There is no age limit, and composers are permitted to submit up to three works per category
-Suggested Length: 5-12 minutes
-Submission of Materials: Online application and entry fee ($15 per score). Scores should not contain identifying markings. This includes pseudonyms, dedications, and commissioner names.
-Multiple Entries: Composers may submit no more than three entries per competition category.
-The winning composer from each competition category will receive a $500 (USD) prize.​

Details are available at web pages: