Dante 700 – International Competition of Symphonic Composition


Submission period

Sun Feb 16 at 05AM UTC

End of submission period

Tue Jul 15 at 11PM UTC

Results date

Mon Sep 1 at 04PM UTC

Entry or Course Fee

100 € registration fee
The Camerata Strumentale di Prato and the Florence Philharmonic Orchestra – la Filharmonie are announcing the second edition of the International Competition for Symphonic Composition Dante 700 – “La dolce sinfonia di paradiso”.

The submitted scores shall draw inspiration from the Canto XXXIII of Paradise (Divine Comedy) with specific reference to St. Bernard’s Prayer to the Virgin Mary, through whose intercession the Poet is granted the supreme vision—to contemplate God, the final destination of his otherworldly journey (vv. 1-39); the image of the Three Circles, representing the mystery of the Trinity and the Incarnation (vv. 115-132); and the renowned final line, «the Love that moves the sun and the other stars».

The competition is open to composers of any nationality, with no age limit, who are required to compose a symphonic piece (optionally with solo voice and/or live electronics) of maximum 15 minutes duration. A prestigious international jury will oversee the entire process.

The competition is open to composers of any nationality, with no age limit, who are required to compose a symphonic piece (optionally with solo voice and/or live electronics) of maximum 15 minutes duration. A prestigious international jury composed by:
Anders Hillborg (President) - Composer
Silvia Colasanti - Composer
Mauro Montalbetti - Composer
Jonathan Webb - Music Director Camerata Strumentale di Prato
Hugo Ticciati - Conductor, violinist
Alberto Batisti - Artistic Director Camerata Strumentale di Prato
Paolo Cognetti - Composer, Pianist, Special Project Manager of La Filharmonie

will oversee the entire process. Three scores will be selected for the final stage and will be evaluated by the jury at a public performance, after which the winner will be declared. The three finalists’ compositions will subsequently be performed and recorded during the future symphonic seasons of Camerata Strumentale di Prato and la Filharmonie, and broadcast by Rete Toscana Classica and RAI.

prizes: 1st prize 5000€ | 2nd prize 3000€ | 3rd prize 2000€
-Publication of the score within the series Stilnovo by Edizioni Curci in Milan and promoted by CIDIM: Italian National Music Committee.
-Live performance, audio-video recording and International broadcast of the finalist composition.
-Art residency for the finalist composers

Details are available at web pages: